We request that all Officials either wear their Uniform or Kaizen recommended attire while Officiating!
Judges and Referees MUST be Certified Black Belts, 18 years of age or older!
For more comprehensive information on the Kaizen League's Tournament Procedures and Rules, click here KAIZEN LEAGUE
View or Download the Official Kaizen Rule Book at the bottom of this page.
COMPETITION AGE: Players competing for Kaizen Points must compete at whichever age they are on January 1, 2024 or the age they will become during 2024 and must compete at that age for the entire Competition Year!
See Kaizen Rules at a Glance or the Kaizen Rule Book - "Legal Age Rule".
COACHING: A Coach's Pass is for Sparring divisions ONLY and only when your player is "On Deck" or "Up". A Coach's Pass is non-transferable and must be present and visible when in the Coach's area. Only one (1) Coach is allowed in the Coach's area and players may be penalized for Coaching violations. See Kaizen Rules at a Glance or the Kaizen Rule Book - "Coaching" and "Invalid Coaches Pass".
NOTE: Admission into the tournament as a Player/Guest will be monitored at all times. We reserve the right to refuse admittance and to revoke the entry or pass (purchased or otherwise) of any Player, Guest, Coach, or Official, if deemed that there is a violation of the Rules and Regulations of the event. Fines will be strictly enforced and levied against those who fail to follow the rules and who do not behave in the proper manner. Please keep this in mind by going through the proper channels and exhibiting good behavior when lodging or responding to a complaint.
RULES PRESENTATION: The Rules Presentation is open to all attendees (officials, players, instructors, parents, etc.) so everyone is aware of the rules and may ask questions at that time. Please familiarize yourself with the Kaizen Rule Book before attending the tournament.
Rules Presentation: 9:30 am
JUDGES & REFEREES: Your valuable experience as Martial Artists and Judges is greatly appreciated! Please add your information to the Kaizen Official's Registry or check-in at the Official's Registration table for your ring assignment and your complimentary pass for entry onto the tournament floor.
IMPORTANT - Please review and be knowledgeable on the Kaizen Rules. It is essential that you have a working knowledge of the Judging / Referee criteria in order to provide a Safe, Fair, and Fun experience for all Players.
Judges and Referees MUST be Certified Black Belts, 18 years of age or older!
WHAT IS YOUR DESTINY?: If it's to be a member of the City of Destiny Classic Team? Give us a call at (253) 229-7923 and let us help you fulfill your DESTINY!
Kaizen Rule Book
Use the arrows below the image to view.
Click "Download Rules" to download a copy
2024 Rules at a Glance
Use the arrows below the image to view.
Click "Download Rules" to download a copy
Kyokushin Rules.
Use the arrows below the image to view.
Click Download Brochure to download a copy
City of Destiny Classic
Greater Tacoma Convention Center, 1500 COMMERCE, Tacoma, WA , 98402